
Fill Your Spirit With The Word Or You Will Be Filled With The World.


Should Christians watch horror movies?

While growing in the Lord, we all get tied up and confused by some questions, you are not alone struggling with questions like this. People ask questions because it shows they are curious and want to change, and to be a better child of God.…

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How to have strong faith in the Lord?

How to have strong faith in the Lord?

I am sure you are as curious as I was when I wanted to know more about faith and how it works in the lives of believers. Faith is very important and we as children of God can’t please God without it. “without faith, it…

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How to live the Psalm 15 life?

How to live the Psalm 15 life?

PSALM 15 EXPLANATION I remember my pastor asked me to memorize Psalm 15  when I was 12 years old. I did it as a task, but now that I read it, I can understand why my pastor told me to memorize it.  Psalm 15 talks…

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What does the Bible say about honesty ?

What Does The Bible Say About Honesty?

“The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy.” Proverbs 12:22 In a world, full of false people and lovers of wickedness, embracing honesty and righteousness is rare. The Bible talks about the significance of honesty in the eyes of God…

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Best Bible Verses About Patience

No man in the world likes to wait and have patience but anything that is precious and unique takes time to be created. If something is taking longer, then it means it’s something special. Jesus told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for…

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What does it really mean to be blessed?

What does it really mean to be blessed ?

The world has its own definition of a blessed life. The world says a man who has wealth, fortune, luck, health, and fame is considered blessed. Somewhere, at some point in life, that might be true, but not as true as the Bible’s definition.  According…

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Bible Verses about Temptation

Bible Verses about Temptation

Bible Verses about Temptation Since sin has entered into the world through man’s disobedience to God’s command, all are sinners. We can be set free from the punishment of disobedience and save our souls from burning in eternal fire by believing in Jesus. But the…

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Righteousness in Secret (Matthew 6: 1-18)

When it comes to acting righteously or doing noble deeds, it should be done with one’s full heart and the right motive. From the beginning, humans desire a thing which is a good reputation among people because God created us that way, so that we…

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Bible verses about Self control

Every man and woman wants to have self-control in their lives.  Everyone should practice it because it is very crucial to achieve any goal and hit the target. Without self-control, you cannot lose weight, focus on your studies, and so on. Not so many people…

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Bible verses about the Holy Spirit

Bible verses about the Holy Spirit

As you are learning about the Holy Spirit, Surrender your lives to Him and He will change you completely. Holy Spirit will help you walk in holiness and purity. He will fill you with His power so that you can be a witness to the…

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How can we live a holy life?

How can we live a holy life?

When God created the world and humans, we had a holy and pure relationship with God until man disobeyed God and fell short of His glory. Sin entered the world, and as a result, the relationship that we had with God was broken and we…

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How to be still in the Lord?

How to be still in the Lord?

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) I think this is the most soul-satisfying verse in the Bible for those who need comfort and peace. Many people find it more helpful in their day-to-day lives. Now, every person can have a very…

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Characteristics of a Man of God

Characteristics of a Man of God

When we experienced peace at the feet of Jesus, we no longer want to go back to the world and invest our time and money in its stupidity which never produces happiness or a life that we want or that God desires from us. God…

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Bible verses about overcoming struggles in life

Bible verses about struggles in life

1. 1 John 4:4 4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. —————————————————————- 2. John 16:33 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have…

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21 Best Bible Verses About Forgiving People

21 Best Bible Verses About Forgiving People

Children of God should imitate God and what/how He is. Since we are light and salt of the world, what kind of light and flavor we are showing to the world. Is it the same as the world or do we have something that comes…

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What is Righteousness?

What is righteousness?

When we look for the meaning of righteousness in the English dictionary then we find it as “the quality of being morally right or justifiable.” According to the world, being righteous means, being or behaving right according to our culture, tradition, worldly laws, and what…

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29 Bible Verses about Holiness

30 Bible Verses about Holiness

Bible Verses on Holiness  1. Leviticus 19:2 2 “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. —————————————————————- 2. 2 Timothy 1:9 9 He has saved us and called us to a holy…

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Characteristics of a Child of God

Characteristics of a Child of God

Characteristics of a Child of God According to John 1: 12, since we received Jesus as our Lord Saviour, He has given us the right to become children of God. And now that we are children of God, we should act and walk like we…

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Top 27 Bible Verses about Lust

Top 27 Bible Verses about Lust

Well, Every believer has experienced lust in their life and sinned against the most high God. The Bible clearly says to run from it and cling to the righteousness of God and His holiness. Here are some Bible verses on Lust that will help you…

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What is the Biblical definition of Sin?

What is the Biblical definition of Sin?

When it comes to understanding what sin means, we need to start from the beginning; where it all started. Lucifer was one of God’s angels in heaven, he was a beautiful and powerful worshiper, but he wanted to be like God or perhaps more than…

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40+ Bible Verses Abut Faith Which Will Help Your Life.

40+ Bible Verses About Faith Which Will Help Your Life.

The Bible Verses on Faith 1. Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. —————————————————————– 2. Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing…

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What does the Bible say about greed?

When we were newborns in Christ, it seemed it would be easy to live a Christlike life. Every desire that is not aligned with the word of God would fall off automatically and we could live a righteous life. As we grew in the Lord,…

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Why is God a Jealous God?

Why does God call Himself a “Jealous God”?

There are many questions among Christians regarding God and His words. However, praise God, Holy Spirit helps us understand all the questions. The question that we are talking about on this blog has been on my mind for quite a while. Why does God refer…

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Wolves among the sheep: false prophets explained

Wolves among the sheep/ false prophets explained

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” ( Matthew 7:15 ).   As Christians, we want to grow in the Lord and learn more about Him. We must consider the fact that wolves are among…

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Is God obligated to answer prayers?

Is God obligated to answer prayers?

Is God obligated to answer prayers? Before we move on this, we must see what the Bible says about God hearing our prayers.  “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” (Jeremiah 29:12). If God…

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The Fear of God Explained

We read many times in the Bible that God has commanded us to fear Him. Sometimes it could be confusing how a loving God wants His children to fear Him. It happens because we are defining the fear that God is talking in the wrong…

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If Jesus is God, why did He pray?

       As a child of God, it can be quite confusing to think that Jesus, who Himself is God in manly form, prayed to God. We want to understand why He needed to pray when He Himself could grant every request or answer every prayer.…

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Why should I pray, when God already knows everything?

Just like me, you may have wondered why we should pray when God already knows everything. Our God is the all-knowing God (Omniscient). He knows the past, present, and future. Nothing is hidden from His eyes nor can anybody hide anything from Him. We children…

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Why Jesus called us to be the salt and light of the world?

Why Jesus called us to be the salt and light of the world?

In Jesus’ earthly ministry, He spent His life traveling the Judean countryside teaching and explaining the Kingdom of God.  He was always surrounded by many kinds of people; educated, uneducated, poor and rich, etc. He was teaching about something that was hard to understand. So,…

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Why is Jesus called the Good Shepherd?

Why is Jesus called the Good Shepherd?

Jesus calls Himself “The Good Shepherd” in John 10:11. This is one of seven “I am” declarations of Jesus regarding who He was. These seven “I am” declarations tell about His uniqueness, His Divinity, His Character, His Identity, and His purpose. There is a deep…

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How to pray?/the blessed generation

How To Pray? Explained.

There are many Christians who want to have a powerful prayer life and a strong bond with God. As a result, they make a schedule to pray. However, as days pass by, they struggle to have the same passion and fire while praying that they…

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The Names of God Explained.

The Names of God Explained – Part 2

6. Names of God: Jehovah Mekadesh The meaning of Jehovah Mekadesh or YHWH- M’Kaddesh is the Lord who sanctifies. The Hebrew word for sanctify is “Qadesh” or “Kadosh” which is also translated in English to “sanctify”, “holy”, “dedicate”, “consecrate”, “sanctuary”, or “hallow”. “Sanctify” means “to…

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The Names of God Explained.

The Names of God Explained. (Part 1)

It’s not enough to know about God. It’s not enough to have heard about Him and His attributes, but you must see Him for who He is. Just like Job said in  Job 42:5 “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear,…

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The Meaning of Jehovah Explained

The Meaning of Jehovah Explained

The Meaning of Jehovah Explained Many people want to know what is Jehovah and where did it come from. In the Hebrew scripture, the name of God is written as YHWH.  The written form of the Hebrew scripture does not use vowels, but vowels can…

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Why Should We Start Our Day With God?

Why Should We Start Our Day With God?

Spending time with God is very crucial for Christians. A Christian cannot experience God’s Spirit and power until, and unless, he or she spends time with God. A Christian without Jesus is a spiritually dead person. Jesus says “apart from me you can do nothing”…

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How To Store Up Treasure In The Heaven?

How To Store Up Treasure In Heaven?

As a human, we love to store up the things that mean so much to us or we love to make a collection of things. It could be children photos in their young age or favorite moments with loved ones or money in the bank…

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Who is our neighbor?

Who is our neighbor?

As a Christian, you must have wondered who your neighbor is according to the Bible. For today’s culture or English meaning of the word, neighbor is so simple, the one who lives near your home is your neighbor, that’s what we learn in the English…

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Why are we called sheep?

Why are we called sheep?

  God is a Shepherd and His people are sheep, we hear this throughout the Bible (Psalm 23:1, Psalm 100:3). The question is, why does God use the word sheep for His people, not other animals? What is the significance of sheep in the Bible?…

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Living a life that pleases God

Living a life that pleases God

We were created to worship God and please Him by our lives. Paul says “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth)…

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The Importance of Spending Time with God

The Importance of Spending Time with God. God created human beings to worship Him and fulfill His will. But as sin stepped into the world, men wandered outside of the will of God, not knowing that our primary goal is to be with the Lord,…

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Who is Santa Claus image

Who is Santa Claus?

During Christmas, you must have seen images of Santa Claus everywhere in your city. Whenever we hear the word, Christmas, our mind visualizes a heavyset man wearing a red suit, a red hat on his head, a long white beard, and a bag full of…

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What is the Fruit of The Spirit and How Do I Grow it?

The Fruit of the Spirit/ Explained with Bible verses.

                          I think when you were studying “The Fruit of The Spirit“¸ one thing you might have noticed is that Paul is not saying fruits here but fruit.   But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,…

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